Buildings are often subject to excessive energy consumption due to Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, with significant economic and environmental consequences. Among the main reasons for this condition are the difficulties in managing highly complex systems and the lack of active involvement of the users in the structure. This can lead to incorrect individual behaviour and inefficient plants management.
The ESACOM project, which stands for “Energy SAving and COMfort optimization”, aims to study and test in the field a retrofit system on the control mechanisms of HVAC systems, which can be integrated with pre-existing ones and, above all, capable of increasing their regulatory efficiency.
This system is an integral part of a technological platform able to provide a scalable and automatic management tool of air conditioning systems. ESACOM‘s implementation takes into account both objective environmental and plant conditions as well as subjective comfort conditions by users through a WEB App.
Subjective data are also used to instruct virtual sensors capable of predicting comfort conditions even in rooms without physical sensors.
Finally, ESACOM improves users’ perception of comfort in buildings, stimulating awareness and adoption of more sustainable and virtuous behaviours.

The integration of the technological dimension with the sociological and behavioural one is certainly a significant feature of the project. The synthesis of the objective point of view, which is that constituted by the field sensor data, with the subjective point of view, namely the personal feedback of the users about the environmental comfort, well represents the innovative trait of ESACOM.
The ESACOM project started in September 2017.
Cluster Clever – Energy and Clean Technologies.
Project: ESACOM – “Energy SAving and COMfort optimization”.
Code: 311-121.

Asse I-Azione I.1b.1.2-Poli di Innovazione Linea A